God loves you. That is actually a fact. You are valuable to Him.
It’s amazing the number of things He does for each one of us on a daily basis without a single thank you from us. Yet He continues to protect us, provide for us, clothe us, provide a roof over our heads and on and on.
The only time we remember Him is when we have an emergency, or when we have a need or find ourselves in a situation way over our heads.
We insist on doing things our way and choosing a path that excludes God.
So we continue to live far below our potential, feeling increasingly dissatisfied with our lives and the emptiness we sometimes experience.
Here is the truth you were created for relationship. First with God and then with other human beings. This is how you were wired, this is what you were created for.
We were designed to achieve our fullest potential and deepest fulfilment only and only in relationship with God and not independent of Him.
Entrust your life to Him today. Acknowledge Him in everything you do, ask for His guidance and depend on Him and He will direct your steps.
Open yourself to a life of endless possibilities.